As the data subject (data owner), you can submit your requests regarding your rights, which are stated in article 11 of the same law and listed in 9 articles below, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the KVK Law no. You can send it in writing to our company headquarters "Atatürk Plastik OSB Mahallesi 3 Cadde No:5 Menemen /Izmir / TURKEY " or to our company's registered electronic mail (KEP) address "[email protected]".
In your application;
- Name, surname and signature if the application is written,
- TR identification number for citizens of the Republic of Turkey, nationality, passport number or identification number for foreigners,
- Domicile or workplace address based on notification,
- E-mail address, telephone and fax number for notification,
- The subject of the request.
It is obligatory to have such information as per article 5/2 of the above-mentioned communiqué, unfortunately, applications that do not contain one or more of these information cannot be processed as per the legislation.
The requests you can submit within the scope of Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law are as follows:
- You can find out if your personal data is being processed
- If your personal data has been processed, you can request information about it
- You can learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose.
- You can find out the third local or abroad parties to whom your personal data is transferred.
- If your personal data is incomplete or incorrectly processed, you can request their correction
- You can request the deletion or destruction of your personal data
- You can request that your correction, deletion or destruction requests be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred.
- You can object to this result if a result arises against you by analyzing your processed personal data exclusively through automated systems.
- If you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data, you can request the removal of the damage.
Engineering for motion